This past Monday, the GFBC Youth sponsored a blood drive. There is a national emergency. In fact, the Red Cross is calling it a crisis. Read more here. The Youth and Volunteers at Great Fork Baptist Church opened their hearts and building to an amazing team from the Red Cross on Monday, 2.21.2022 from 12:00 - 5:00pm. They arrived early to asist the Red Cross Team in setting up and then helped check in donors, worked the Hospitality Table and generally helped wherever they could, helping the team clean and pack up afterward. It was fun and a huge blessing to be part of the process. Many GFBC family and friends gave blood and some who looked us up online also donated. In all, 17 units of blood were collected, so 51 people will be helped from the effort. One of our GFBC donors hit a milestone in donation...2 gallons! But she's striving to at least match, or even surpass the amount her parents gave...15 gallons EACH! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Only HE is worthy of glory for the great turnout!
There are plans for a fall blood drive at GFBC. Keep an eye out and plan to GIVE FROM the HEART!